Home HEALTH AND FITNESS What Foods are High in Iron? Benefits of the Pills

What Foods are High in Iron? Benefits of the Pills

Foods are High in Iron

If you wish to know what foods are high in iron, then you’ve come to the right spot. It is a fact that foods rich in Iron are very essential in our diet and this is because it is a vital mineral required for the proper functioning of hemoglobin; a protein necessary for the transport of oxygen in the blood.

Iron is essential to the growth of all cells in the body. Its deficiency is one of the most single nutritional deficiencies in the world as well as the major cause of anaemia, hence the need for people to consume foods high in iron.

However, some groups of people are prone to iron deficiency due to their body’s increased need for iron, lack of adequate intake of iron, poor absorption, or blood loss. People in this category include pregnant women; due to an increased need of iron for the mother and foetus, vegetarians; since they consume only plant-based foods, and athletes; because they require iron for the strenuous exercises that they do.

Other individuals in this category are young women who need iron to compensate for menstrual blood loss. Likewise, elderly people above 65, who due to a limited diet might not eat the adequate amount of iron necessary in their diet, hence they are prone to iron deficiency.

Also, people with health conditions such as Kidney failure have trouble making red blood cells.

What foods are high in Iron?

A lot of foods are high in iron but how well they are absorbed by the body depends on the form of iron present in them. There are two forms of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron.

The heme iron is better absorbed by the body and they are found in animal products such as meat, chicken and eggs. Non-heme iron is found in plant-based foods such as beans, peas, and spinach. Your body absorbs the non-heme irons better when they are taken with seafood, poultry and meat together with foods that contain vitamin C such as citrus fruits, strawberry, broccoli and sweet pepper. They are also the type of iron that is available in iron-fortified cereals, bread and other processed and packaged foods.

What (animal) foods are high in Iron?

Oysters and beef liver tops the list of iron-high animal foods with 10mg of iron found in a 3-ounce serving of oyster and 7mg of iron found in a 3-ounce serving of beef liver. However, liver, red meat, and egg yolk should be eaten in moderation because they contain a high level of cholesterol and saturated fats which are not good for the heart. Other sources of iron are beef, tuna, shrimp, leg of lamb, pork, ham, red Salmon, sardines, shellfish, chicken, and turkey.

What (plant) food are high in iron?

Plant-based foods that are high in iron include white beans, lentils, spinach, kidney beans, brown rice, blackstrap molasses and peanut butter.

Likewise, roasted nuts and dried fruits are good sources of iron, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, soybeans, Lima beans, beet, dandelion, mustard greens, kale, leeks and swiss chard. You can also get iron from iron-enriched cereals, artichokes, chicken pea and walnut.

Benefits of iron pills

Iron pills are supplements that you can take to elevate the iron and hemoglobin levels in your blood to fight anemia, fatigue, and other iron deficiency-related symptoms.

The Benefits of iron pills include:

1. Treatment of anaemia

Iron pills are used to treat Anaemia; the most singular deficiency in the world. Anaemia is caused by a low amount of hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen in the blood. It is the primary job of iron to produce hemoglobin hence the use of Iron pills is effective in the treatment of anemia.

The symptoms of anemia include paleness, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, general body coldness or cold sensation in the hands and feet, difficulty in breathing, fast heartbeat and headache.

2. It is used to reduce fatigue

Iron pills are used in the treatment of unexplained fatigue that can hinder someone from carrying out his daily activities. If the fatigue is a result of a low amount of iron, Iron-rich foods, and supplements can help to reduce the feeling of exhaustion and tiredness.

3. Iron pills improve muscle strength

The level of iron in the body is directly connected to the strength of the muscle as an adequate amount of iron supplies oxygen crucial for muscle contractions. Lack of iron leads to a reduction in muscle tone and elasticity which will, in turn, cause painful inflammation of muscle tissue. Taking iron pills in the recommended dosage can curb these symptoms and stop the pain.

4. It boosts immunity

The importance of the immune system to the sustenance of good health cannot be overemphasized, as they fight off diseases and infections. Iron is necessary since it promotes haemoglobin which supplies oxygen that plays a vital role in refurbishing and rebuilding damaged cells, tissues, and organs.

5. Iron pills reduce bruising

Some people who bruise easily may have low iron or its deficiency as the blood platelets involved in blood clotting are affected by haemoglobin. Therefore constant bruising may be linked to low blood iron and iron pills can be prescribed to control the situation.

6. Iron pills can improve concentration and learning

Low amount of iron has been linked to a drop in concentration which has a direct impact on the cognitive level. Restoring the iron level to the correct amount through the administration of iron pills can lead to better concentration and alertness.

However, the right dosage of Iron supplements should be taken as overdose can lead to iron poisoning which is a potentially fatal condition. Therefore, you must consult a physician before taking these pills. Also, it shouldn’t be taken at bedtime to avoid stomach upset.

In any case, the most common side effects of iron pills are dark stools, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation but they are normally related to the dosage which can be adjusted.