Home FOOD & DRINKS Hair Growth Vitamins, Food To Make It Grow Fast

Hair Growth Vitamins, Food To Make It Grow Fast

Hair Growth Vitamins

Hair growth has been part of the trend in the beauty industry for ages and shiny, luxurious, and healthy hair is everyone’s dream. However, constant hair treatments such as hair drying, tight braiding, use of harsh chemicals in dyeing, etc have contributed to hair breakage, dry scalp, and so many other unpleasant hair conditions.

How can you re-groom your hair, and make it grow faster and even more supple? Here are the tips you need for your hair growth.

Hair Growth Vitamins

Vitamin C

This is a very important vitamin needed for iron absorption in the body. It’s also required in the production of collagen which makes hair grow faster. Citrus fruits like oranges, limes, and lemons are great sources of this vitamin. You might also want to include yellow pepper in your diet as it is believed to contain as much as five times more Vitamin C than oranges.


This is important in cell reproduction, tissue growth, and repair, as well as the maintenance of the oil-secreting gland attached to the hair follicle. You can get zinc from oysters and eggs.

Omega-3 fatty acid

This all-important oil can be obtained from salmon, tuna, almonds, walnut, chia and flax seed. Since the body can not produce it, it’s necessary to incorporate it into your diet. This fatty acid aids the production of sebum, which nourishes the hair thereby making it long and full.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A and its precursor the beta carotene, are hair essentials we can’t overlook. Although vitamin A is commonly associated with good eyesight, studies have shown that it is equally very good for the hair. This vitamin prevents hair from being brittle and dry. Sweet potatoes and carrots are good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin E

This group of vitamins help to maintain the pH and oil balance of the hair, thereby improving blood circulation to the scalp. A good source of this vitamin is Avocado. Avocados have been an age-long hair and beauty secret. The high concentration of essential fatty acids it contains helps to keep skin smooth and supple. Apart from adding it to your breakfast or blending it into a green smoothie, It can also be applied topically on the hair and washed off after some minutes for that smooth shine.

Other factors that play a critical role in your hair growth include:


This is a procedure that cannot be overemphasized. It’s good to exfoliate at least once a week to remove excess sebum from the hair follicle.  The accumulation of sebum and product build-up can clog the follicles and adversely affect hair growth hence the need for exfoliation. An exfoliating shampoo or a scalp brush can be used for this.

Give your hair a break

Regular heat treatment such as heat styling and hair drying, as well as brushing,  can leave the hair brittle which can make the hair cut easily. Shampooing and chemicals on the hair like dyeing may end up removing the hair’s natural essential oils. This impairs growth and leads to hair breakage.

Set your hair free

Constant use of tight hairbands especially in the same place can make hairs snag from wear and tear. This also applies to tight braiding of the hair.

It’s time to get a Massage

Massaging the scalp promotes blood circulation in the blood vessels surrounding the hair follicles. You can achieve this by pulling the hair gently or doing some rhythmic tapping or get a hair massager/brush

Alternatively, you can have a complete hair massage by a professional to relieve stress and also for a general feel-good feeling.

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As it is said that true beauty comes from within, your hair is a reflection of what you eat. Just as we need a balanced diet in order to have luminous skin, that’s the same way certain foods are necessary to maintain optimum hair growth. Food for hair growth include:


Our hair is made of Keratin, a form of protein. Proteins are very essential because they are the building blocks of the hair follicle. So go ahead and take those eggs, chicken, beans etc for the benefit of your hair.


If you want to create healthy hair cells that can make your hair thicker, then you need biotin. Also known as vitamin B7, It is a vitamin that acts as a coenzyme that provides energy to the body and also promotes hair growth. Biotin-rich foods are walnuts, eggs, almonds, pecans. It also includes whole grains like oats and wheat.


Anaemia can lead to hair loss. When the blood is deficient in iron, little oxygen and nutrients get to the root of the hair which can make the hair weak and fall off. The sources of iron include spinach and other dark – green leafy vegetables, as well as beef, pork and seafood. Or Iron supplement usually prescribed as ferrous sulfate tablet to pregnant and lactating women.

World Guinness Records has proved that there are real-life Rapunzels; people with extraordinarily long hair. So yes, your hair’s potential to grow is definitely limitless.