Trevor Noah's Brothers

Most people want to get more details about Trevor Noah’s brothers after the star comedian became famous and revealed the challenging circumstances of his upbringing. 

However, the details regarding this piece of inquiry has kept the general public with mixed feelings, many now seeks to know more about his brothers and their way about.

Trevor Noah’s brothers Isaac and Andrew Shingange are his stepbrothers. They have the same mother and different fathered. Their mother practically raised the brothers as a single mom and was only married to for about four years. 

Their mother got divorced sometime in 1996 due to the violent tendencies of her ex husband. 

Andrew Shingange and Isaac Shingange background information

Andrew and Isaac Shingange are known for their family tiers with the famous comedian Trevor Noah, whose successful career has sparked interest in his background. Hence the probe into who his siblings are.

Their mum is Patricia Nombuyiselo, while their Dad’s name is Ngisaveni Abel Shingange. Their mother was formerly in union with Robert Noah, the father of Trevor Noah (their half brother). She reportedly cut tiers with Robert Noah to get married to Abel because her relationship with Robert was disapproved by the set system in charge of South Africa at the time. Patricia was therefore discriminated against after marrying Robert Noah, a white man. 

Likewise, their child, Trevor Noah, was mistreated as the product of their criminal activity. However, she moved on with her life and began a romantic relationship with Abel in 1992. They had Isaac Shingange and Andrew Shingange as offspring. Isaac is the youngest of the half-brothers. 

Trevor Noah's brothers

The trauma of a violent father 

Their mother‘s marriage to their fatherAbel Shingange, lasted for about four years before it ended officially in 1996, she left him 2002. The marital breakdown was said to be caused by the persistent mental and physical abuses that the brothers and their mum got at the hands of their very traditional dad. He was reported to have physically assaulted Nombuyiselo with a bicycle frame many times, and sometimes smashes phones and furniture in a fit of anger. 

Unfortunately for the mother and her children, it only became worst after the divorce as their mum witnessed even more traumatizing experiences.

Nombuyiselo got married to another man named Sifiso Khoza who also caused troubles for her. Sometime in 2009, the man tried to kill her by shooting her two times in the leg and then a shot to the rare of her head. It was a miracle that Patricia Nombuyiselo survived the domestic violet as the bullet went through the base of her skull and also shattered her jaw.

In addition to that, the bullet caused lots of damages to her ear and nostrils leaving her with a poor speaking ability. 

At the time of the incident, Trevor Noah’s brother, Isaac Shingange was with their mother. Young Isaac was said to have begged his biological father to stop causing harm to his mom. Abel’s grudge was that his ex-wife had finally moved on from his abusive union to a peaceful one. 

When Trevor Noah heard about the sad incident, he was livid that he had to challenge his stepdad. Not long after, he fled to the United States for fear of his life in the hands of his stepdad.

Who is Trevor Noah? 

Trevor Noah is the first born child of Patricia Nombuyiselo and the elder brother to Isaac Singange and Andrew Shingange. He was a rather unwanted baby since he was birthed during apartheid; a time there was segregation of blacks and whites. 

Since his mum was black and his dad was white, Noah’s childhood was impaired as his parents could not be seen identifying with him. His mother was said to always go behind him as a little boy because she feared for both their safety.

Trevor is one of the most famous comedians globally, and he makes his shows on an international level. He has also made appearances in a couple of moviesas well as received several international and local awards. 

Who are Trevor  Noah’s Siblings From his father‘s side? 

It is not known whether Trevor Noah’s father, Robert got married after his failed relationship with Trevor‘s mother. Therefore, no one could tell if Trevor has siblings from his paternal side. Noah spent several times with his father on Sundays, and they got united properly, after the law criminalizing the relationship between whites, blacks, and people of other color was abolished. Robert Noah is a chef and would prepare a delicious menu when his son comes over. 

What is the net worth of  Trevor Noah Shingange brothers? 

Very little is known about Trevor Noah’s brothers or their profession. In addition, their estimated net wealth is not yet available, but that of the Trevor Noah is estimated at $100 million. This net wealth is a cumulative of his annual salary of $16 million.

Trevor Noah’s brothers, Andrew Shingange and Isaac Shingange don’t seem to be active in Noah’s life or a part of his career. The Shingange brothers reside in South Africa where they live normal lives.