
Pregnancy is a special time in every woman’s body in which one or more fetus grow and develop into a baby boy or girl. As you already know, the nourishment and proper growth of the baby comes from what the woman eats and drinks during pregnancy and that is why doctors will always prescribe protein, iron, calcium and folic acid.

Certain diets are a great source of all the nutrients your baby and you need and while there’s the concern about excessive weight gain for both mother and child, eating a healthy, nutritious and right quantity of food is to the key. It will help your baby develop properly while you get to maintain an adequate weight all through and after pregnancy.

Pregnancy Diet


Dairy Products 

Dairy products like low-fat milk and yogurt; not just any type. You might want to avoid sugary types and stick to moderate or no sugar brands like Farm Fresh or any Greek yogurt brand you can find.  This is recommended during pregnancy to help mother and child attain the increased protein and calcium needs. Plus yogurt is a great choice for avoiding weight gain, but to be consumed moderately. 

Whole Grains

Brown rice, Millet, Oatmeal, Popcorn, Whole-wheat bread etc are great options so long you get sufficient folic acid and B vitamin that are usually added in refined-grain products like cereals. Also, folate-rich foods are fruits, vegetables and legumes.  Whole grains are fibre-packed diet which helps with weight management during pregnancy.


Fresh and dried fruits are always highly recommended for pregnant women. More than fiber to ease constipation, fruits (Dates, Pineapple, Orange, Bell Pepper, Berries,  Mango, Papaya, Banana, Pearl, Avocado) contain lots of vitamins C and minerals – iron, potassium and folate.  Dried fruits like dates or candied varieties contain a high amount of sugar so it’s safer to consume only one serving at a time.

Avocado has a high content of healthy fats – monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K, Potassium and other essential nutrients necessary for the fetus. The Potassium found in avocado and banana may help relieve leg cramps that are usually the side effect for some pregnant women.

Lean Meat

Low-fat white meat such as skinless chicken, turkey and red meat like pork chops and beef are typical examples of lean meat and are very rich in iron, colin and vitamin B. These are usually prescribed in supplements since it may be hard to obtain iron from diet alone. Also, many women are aversive to meat during pregnancy.


Eating seafood regularly during pregnancy supplies omega-3, vitamin D and vitamin A that are essential for the development of the baby’s eyes and brain.  Fish liver oil is especially rich in the aforementioned nutrients and doctors may recommend no more than 1 tablespoon or 15 ml of fish liver oil as a daily intake to curb potential complication characterized by swelling of the hands and feet, high blood pressure,  and proteinuria ( protein in the urine).


The need to remain hydrated during pregnancy is paramount as the blood volume is known to increases by up to 1.5 liters.  About 2 liters of water per day or more is the daily recommended amount for keep hydrated plus fluids from foods and beverages. Knowing the Symptoms of mild dehydration such as fuzzy memory, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and moodiness, would help you keep track of your water deficiencies.

Food to avoid during Pregnancy

These foods are not literally bad but should be avoided to maintain moderate body weight and good health during pregnancy.

1. Alcohol
2. Carbonated drinks
3. Groundnut/Peanut
4. Corn
5. Cabbage
6. Chocolate
7. Herbs/herbal concussions
8. Some citrus fruits (lemon, lime, tangerine, grape)
9. Caffeinated beverages including coffee
10. Garlic
11. Excessive dairy products (high-fat milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, cream etc)
12. Junk foods – pie, bugger, doughnuts and others
13. Excess Sugar.
14. Sushi – no no to uncooked seafood and any  none thoroughly cooked meat or food for that matter
15. Salad dressing with raw eggs
16. Unwashed fruits and vegetables
17. Raw sprouts
18.  Raw shellfish
19.  Unpasteurized milk

Exercise during Pregnancy


Maintaining an exercise routine helps you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy stage. That way some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue will decrease; prevent gestational diabetes, relieve stress, and help to build the extra stamina needed for labor and delivery. It is usually easier if you were physically active before pregnancy, and taking precaution to stick to what’s most comfortable for you.

Some exercises are safe during pregnancy, while some are not. Likewise, not all pregnant mothers are meant to engage in exercises especially those with medical problems or complications such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, low placenta, weak cervix, history of early labor or premature birthday; bleeding or blood spotting; threat or recurrent miscarriage. Do consult your healthcare provider to recommend exercise guidelines, based on your medical history.

The following exercises are safe and most productive so long as you do it with cautiously and moderately.

.  Swimming
.  Indoor stationary cycling
.  Brisk walk
.  Elliptical training or stair stepping  –  to burn calories, activate lower body muscles and strengthen your heart.
.  Low aerobic exercise – usually with the guidance of a trainer.
.  Yoga

Other activities such as jogging, tennis is safe especially if you’ve been active before pregnancy. Nevertheless, it should be done in moderations both early and later in pregnancy. It is also worth mentioning that Serena Williams was eight weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open in January 2017; which emphasizes how easier it is to work out during pregnancy if you’ve been active.
