Mexican girl names are very popular in the United States and worldwide. They are adopted by even non-Mexicans who name their babies Spanish names because of the uniqueness of the names and how sweet they can be.
One thing that is even more fascinating about some of these names is that they are very popular so much so that people may not know they are Mexican names.
Here are some Mexican names for girls you can select for your upcoming bundle of joy.
Amazing Mexican Girl Names And Their Meanings
1. Abril
A very beautiful name that can be given to a girl who is born in April, Abril is another lovely name that symbolizes spring or means April.
2. Amaya
Also spelled Amaia, this name is believed to mean “mother city.”
3. Antonella
This name is drwan from the name, Antonia. It means “priceless.”
4. Araceli
This is one of the most fascinating Mexican girl names in both meaning and pronunciation. Like many other Spanish names, it comes from a Latin word. The name means “altar of heaven” or “altar of the sky.”
5. Ariana
Anothre wonderful name that you can consider naming your daughter is Ariana. This name means “very holy.”
6. Arleth
Arleth is drwan from the ancient name Arlette. It is believed that the meaning of the name is “eagle.”
7. Bianca
Bianca is not used as before, but it is still a beautiful name that means “fair”.
8. Bonita
This is a name that is not very popular ouside of Mexico, even though it is one very fascinating. The name means “beautiful” or “pretty little one”.
9. Camila
Camila is a name that many people love to give their daughters. It is from the old Latin family name Camillus, which means the “helper of a holy one” or “helper of a priest.”
10. Carolina
Yeat another well-known name, Carolina is a feminine version of the Latin name Carolus. The meaning of the name is “free woman.”
11. Catalina
One name that one of the most loved among other Mexican girl names is Catalina. It also has a powerful meaning; “pure”.
12. Clarisa
If you are looking for a prayer for your child as a Mexican name to be “bright”, “clear”, or “shining,” Clarisa is the name you should give your little bundle of joy.
13. Constanza
Constanza is the Spanish version of the English name – Constance.The meaning of the name is “steadfast.”
14. Elena
Sometimes spelled Helena, the name is a variants of the English name Helen. It means “sunbeam” or “ray.”
15. Emily
Emily is a great name whcih is believed to be from the Latin name, Aemilia. It is also believd that the name means “rival.”
16. Esmeralda
Esmeralda is a very popular name among Mexican communities and it is a name well loved. The meaning of the name is “emerald” in Spanish.”
17. Estelle
If you have given birth to a daughter you believe is a star in the making, you can as well name her Estelle which means “star”.
18. Florencia
Florencia is a name that is very known and quiet popular, but it is still a good name to give. It also has a good meaning; “blooming” or “flowering”.
19. Frida
The meaning of this beautiful name is “peace”.
20. Gianna
Gianna is a female name of Giovanna, which is the same as the English name, John. The meaning of the name is “God is gracious.”
21. Gracia
This is a virtue name that you can give to your baby girl. It means “grace”. Graciana is an alluring alternative.
22. Isabella
Often also spelled Isabela, this Mexican name has an English version which is Elizabeth. It’s drawn from Hebrew and it means God is my oath.
23. Josefina
If you are fascinated by the name, Joseph, then Josephina is the one you may want to give to your daughter. The name means “God will increase.”
24. Kemena
If what you are looking for is not just a Mexican name but one that is just different from all others, Kemena is the one you should go with. It has a great meaning too; “strong one.”
25. Leticia
Letitia is not so much in use today, even though it is a very beautiful name with a lovely meaning; “full of joy”.
26. Lia
Lia is a “bearer of good news”. This means it is a name that you cannot go wrong with. It is one name that never ages.
27. Lucia
The meaning of this rather popular name is Light. It is derived from the Latin word, Lux.
28. Luna
Without having ti stend so much time guessing, the meaning of this name is “moon.”
29. Mar
A very simple name, Mar means “sea” in Spanish.
30. Margarita
If you are a lover of Mexican films, there is hardly a chance that you do not knwo this wonderful name which means “child of light.” A common nickname is Rita.
31. Mariana
Mariana is a feminine Spanish and Italian name drawn from the Latin name Marius. It is believed to mean “virile.”
32. Martina
This name has been used over again by Mexicans and non-Mexicans alike, and it has still not lost its savor. The meaning of the name is “warlike.”
33. Mía
Yet another of the great and simple Mexican female names you can give your little one as a non-Mexican is Mia. The name simply means “mine.”
34. Miranda
This may be one of the most fascinating name to give, even though it is not among the modern names out there. It’s rooted in the Latin word mirandus, which means “admirable” and “lovely.”
35. Natalia
Another Mexican name that is inspuired by Latin is Natalia. Even though it literally means “birthday,” it is typically taken to mean Jesus Christ’s birthday, or Christmas Day. So if you have a chirstmas baby, this is a great name for her!
36. Olina
The meaning of this beautioful and yet simple name is “protector.”
37. Olivia
Some amazing people including the Poet, Olivia Wilde have all borne this name. It means “olive tree.”
38. Osana
The menaing of this name is “health.” While it may not be popular outside of Mexico, I consider it to be an amazing name.
39. Paloma
Because of some amazing Mexican telenovela’s, the name, Paloma is very well known and loved. The name means “dove.”
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40. Pia
Pia is a very simple and yet beautiful name. Its meaning is “righteous” or “pious.”
41. Querida
A name with sweet savor, Querida is not very poplar but its a anme tio give your lovely little one as it means “beloved.”
42. Ramona
The meaning of this name is “wise one” or “protector.” What better name to give to the little one?
43. Solana
This name has become popular because of the cryptocurrency by the same name. However, it is a beautiful Mexican girl name that means “sunshine.”
44. Tierra
The meaning of this mame is “earth”.
45. Vanessa
The meaning of the name, Vanessa, is “butterfly”.
46. Violeta
Violeta is for those who are looking for a flowery name to give to their beautiul bundle of joy. The meaning of the name is is drawn from a delicate purple flower.
47. Vittoria
If you love the name Victoria but you are worried that it is overused, Vittoria is a name you can go with. The meaning of the name is “victory.”
48. Xoco
This name is not very popular so if you are looking for a not so popular name for your second or last daughter, this can be considered. It means “youngest sister.”
49. Yomaris
Yomaris is a name to spice things up a little. The meaning of the name is “‘I am the sun.”
50. Zita
The last on the list is this amazing name, Zita. It means “seeker.